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David Boyett | profile | all galleries >> Boyt/Boyte/Boyett/e DNA Surname Project >> Dade and Plant City Florida tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Boyte - Boyett DNA Surname Group 1 | Boyt-Boyette DNA Surname Group 2 | YDNA SNP Testing Nov 2022 (Hap R and H) | Boyette DNA Surname - Other | Marriage and other records in Florida | Boyett Family Documents | Boyette Plantation and Slave House - Kenly, NC | Hernando County Florida | Dade and Plant City Florida | Boyett Land Records | Other Boyett Marriage Records | Revolutionary War Pension Records | Johnny Boyett & Warren Earp | Pasco and Hillsborough Co Florida - Holton & Pelote Cemetery | Boyette, Hillsborough Co. FL | Boyt-Boyett(e) FL TN LA | Deputy Sheriff Samuel Boyett - Obion Co TN - Killed 1930: | Constable William Austin Boyatt - McCreary Co, KY Sheriff's Office - Killed 1960: | Deputy Sheriff Robert Boyett - Winn Co LA - Killed 1926: | Officer Robert E. Yates - (H/O Annie Boyett) - Plant City, FL - Killed 1911: | Sheriff Daniel Jackson Brownell - Holmes Co FL - Killed November 26, 1872: | Officer George W. Bryan - Greenville Police Department , AL - Killed 1904: | Boyett(e) DNA Surname Project - Haplogroup I | Deputy Sheriff Felix Alan Boyt - Johnson Co IL - Killed 1888:

Dade and Plant City Florida

Pasco Co Courthouse - Dade City, FL
Pasco Co Courthouse - Dade City, FL
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Courthouse
Pasco Co Settlers
Pasco Co Settlers
Pasco Co Founding Families
Pasco Co Founding Families
On Courthouse Walkway
On Courthouse Walkway
Pasco Co Founding Families
Pasco Co Founding Families
Pasco Co Founding Families
Pasco Co Founding Families
1864 restored Overstreet House
1864 restored Overstreet House
Plant City restored High School
Plant City restored High School
Plant City
Plant City
1914 Plant City High School - Restored
1914 Plant City High School - Restored
Plant City High School
Plant City High School
1914 Plant City High School
1914 Plant City High School
Downtown Plant City - Whistle Stop Mural
Downtown Plant City - Whistle Stop Mural
Plant City Train Depot
Plant City Train Depot
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City
Plant City