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Christopher Wheeler | profile | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Norman Thelwell tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Norman Thelwell

:: Thelwell ::
Angels on Horseback and Elsewhere (1958)
Angels on Horseback and Elsewhere (1958)
Thelwell Country (1959)
Thelwell Country (1959)
Thelwell in Orbit (1961) (signed)
:: Thelwell in Orbit (1961) (signed) ::
Top Dog (1964) (inscribed)
:: Top Dog (1964) (inscribed) ::
A Leg At Each Corner (1964) (signed)
:: A Leg At Each Corner (1964) (signed) ::
Thelwell's Riding Academy (1965)
Thelwell's Riding Academy (1965)
Up The Garden Path (1967)
Up The Garden Path (1967)
Thelwell's Compleat Tangler (1967) (signed)
:: Thelwell's Compleat Tangler (1967) (signed) ::
Thelwell's Book of Leisure (1969)
Thelwell's Book of Leisure (1969)
This Desirable Plot (1970) (signed)
:: This Desirable Plot (1970) (signed) ::
The Effluent Society (1972) (inscribed)
:: The Effluent Society (1972) (inscribed) ::
Three Sheets in the Wind (signed) (1973)
:: Three Sheets in the Wind (signed) (1973) ::
Belt Up (1974) (signed)
:: Belt Up (1974) (signed) ::
Thelwell Goes West (1975) (signed)
:: Thelwell Goes West (1975) (signed) ::
Thelwell's Brat Race (1977) (signed)
:: Thelwell's Brat Race (1977) (signed) ::
A Plank Bridge by a Pool (1978)
A Plank Bridge by a Pool (1978)
Thelwell's Gymkhana (1979) (signed)
:: Thelwell's Gymkhana (1979) (signed) ::
Some Damn Fool's Signed The Rubens Again (1982) (signed)
:: Some Damn Fool's Signed The Rubens Again (1982) (signed) ::
Magnificat (1983) (signed)
:: Magnificat (1983) (signed) ::
Play It As It Lies (1987) (inscribed)
:: Play It As It Lies (1987) (inscribed) ::
Pony Panorama (1988) (inscribed)
:: Pony Panorama (1988) (inscribed) ::
Thelwell's Riding Frieze
Thelwell's Riding Frieze