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Christopher Wheeler | all galleries >> Cartoon(ist) Gallery >> Norman Thelwell > Thelwell's Riding Academy (1965)
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Thelwell's Riding Academy (1965)

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David Biddle 02-Oct-2021 13:38
To keep me occupied I was told to learn it in a dentist’s waiting room in the mid 1950s while my mother was being treated. I think it was in Punch. Unfortunately I only remember the first two lines but I would like to find the rest.
Liz 23-Sep-2019 14:59
I am searching for it too, my husband knows sone of it off by heart. We would love to know the rest
It starts like this
Gymkhana day in August The going brick brick hard
The judge Miss Tiger Harod was calling through the card
Penelope on Mad Boy, Timothy on Jim
Me on Bloody Mary, and poor Cressida on Sin........
Sue 03-Apr-2010 07:02
I'm searching for the poem Gymkhana day in August and seem to remember it being illustrated by Norman Thelwell. Do you know the poem and where I might find a copy with its illustration? Please.