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Carl Carbone | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2018 > 06/05/2018 - _N9A1566.jpg
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Carl Carbone

06/05/2018 - _N9A1566.jpg

Surfer Dude

A bit more sun today. Our travels took us to the White Cedar Swamp Trail where we were eaten alive by the mosquitoes.
Then we visited Le Count Beach/Maquire's Landing where several were surfing. Then back to the Mass Audubon Center
where we had some close encounters with Wild Turkeys, a 3'+ Rat Snake, Osprey and Willets before the rain came and chased us away!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Nirvan Hope06-Jun-2018 17:02
Dynamic! Perfect timing for the wave and pose.
Pierre Martin06-Jun-2018 16:46
great action capture, nice work!
Fong Lam06-Jun-2018 13:02
Outstanding action shot...great timing and pose...V
Dennis Hoyne06-Jun-2018 03:49
A cool action shot. I love the color of that water!
Julie Oldfield06-Jun-2018 02:15
Great action. V
Jim Coffman06-Jun-2018 01:40
Another fine action capture, Nick!
larose forest photos06-Jun-2018 01:23
Shades of the Beach Boys! Sounds like you're having a good time despite rain and biting bugs. V
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