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Carl Carbone | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2018 > 06/06/2018 - _135205.jpg
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06/06/2018 - _135205.jpg

Climbing down the Chatham Lighthouse

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Julie Oldfield09-Jun-2018 15:46
Superb! V
joseantonio09-Jun-2018 04:03
lovely perspective.V.
janescottcumming08-Jun-2018 16:40
Very cool shot.
Dennis Hoyne08-Jun-2018 03:59
The chosen point of view turns this image into a really cool abstract at first glance. A fantastic shot!
dhh07-Jun-2018 20:54
Yes, a great shot with a great perspective. Voted
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)07-Jun-2018 20:52
Fong Lam07-Jun-2018 14:49
Gets dizzy viewing this superb composition....V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Jun-2018 14:42
Cool perspective. Very nice exposure.
Jim Coffman07-Jun-2018 13:45
Wow, what a great image, Carl...
Yvonne07-Jun-2018 10:58
Makes me feel quite dizzy looking down from there, what
a great shot! v
Pierre Martin07-Jun-2018 09:30
great shot, like that height perspective!
Liz Bickel07-Jun-2018 05:50
Cool perspective and composition. Love the lines and "natural" framing. Very well seen and shot!!!
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