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Carl Carbone | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2018 > 06/04/2018 - _MG_9459.jpg
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Carl Carbone

06/04/2018 - _MG_9459.jpg

What a difference a day makes!

Heavy rain and cold, gloomy BLAH today on the cape.
We spent the day inside playing some games, watching a movie,
and I actually put in some quality work time. Vacation?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dennis Hoyne06-Jun-2018 03:47
A neat shot anyway, it's bound to happen sometime during every vacation.
Julie Oldfield06-Jun-2018 02:16
I hope your vacation gets better. ‘This is such a cool capture. V
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jun-2018 19:03
Cool shot with this perspective and lines. Hope the weather improves.
exzim05-Jun-2018 17:03
Another great picture Carl Voted
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)05-Jun-2018 15:50
Excellent photography! V
Pierre Martin05-Jun-2018 11:47
well about the same here so I decide to make my truck front brake!
janescottcumming05-Jun-2018 11:36
Hey, no working on your vacation!!! Great lines and shapes here.
Jim Coffman05-Jun-2018 02:23
An intriguing image,Carl... Hope your vacation gets better..
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