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Carl Carbone | all galleries >> Photo-A-Day Galleries >> Photo-A-Day 2018 > 06/03/2018 - _MG_9454.jpg
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Carl Carbone

06/03/2018 - _MG_9454.jpg

Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary

A beautiful, sunny day, but quite chilly with temps in the mid 50s
and a strong wind making it feel like the 40s!

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jim Coffman04-Jun-2018 21:14
This looks like a lovely area to spend time, Carl...
Walter Otto Koenig04-Jun-2018 14:18
Looks like a great place for walking. It was 110F in Palm Springs yesterday. I'll take the 40's over that any day.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Jun-2018 12:51
Pierre Martin04-Jun-2018 11:22
look like a promising place!
MarcViskens04-Jun-2018 08:53
very nice Carl
Dennis Hoyne04-Jun-2018 04:06
A beautiful scenic!
fotabug04-Jun-2018 02:14
A most beautiful scene!
Jeff Real04-Jun-2018 01:23
A very pleasant looking place captured so nicely
larose forest photos04-Jun-2018 00:29
A brisk day for walking this site which looks absolutely enticing. V
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