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Canon DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Challenge 93 - Literary (hosted by Nico Conradie) >> Exhibition > 6th Place China That Never Was by Elena Kalis
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2005 Elena Kalis

6th Place China That Never Was by Elena Kalis

"Oh great and mighty Master Li, pray impart to me the Secret of Wisdom!"

"Take a large bowl. Fill it with equal measures of fact, fantasy, history, mythology, science, superstition, logic, and lunacy. Darken
the mixture with bitter tears, brighten it with howls of laughter, toss in three thousand years of civilization, bellow kan pei--which
means 'dry cup'--and drink to the dregs."

"And I will be wise?"

"Better. You will be Chinese."
This is one of my very first Photoshop work (self-portrait as Chinese) I did a few years back after reading Bridge of Birds: A Novel of an Ancient China That Never Was by Barry Hughart .
This book is truly remarkable!!!!!! An incredible fantasy that's completely ORIGINAL.
It's very funny , it's also incredibly moving.
You'll read this book till the pages fall out... (at least mine did)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Canon DSLR Challenge12-May-2007 12:11
It's called now a Computer Art.
Everything in the image is made by me from scratch or by manipulating a photograph.Background is made using brushes and filters in Photoshop (I did not notice the white is the compression.This image size is HUGE! and it was not very noticeable before )Bush on the back I took from one of my paintings.All bugs and frog are photographed and so is me .Then I manipulated my face to make it more Chinese.Furniture is my also and I added the text in Photoshop....Lots of work (and lots of fun!)!-Elena
Canon DSLR Challenge12-May-2007 08:08
At first I dismissed this, because I thought you took photo of a book cover or art piece. I'm surprised to find out it's actually you sitting there. This is a very different style of photography than what I'm used to. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Is this a composite of multiple pictures? Were you really sitting there in this setting? The fact that I don't know for sure means you're successful.

One thing I don't like is the glare near the top right corner. It draws my eyes to the there only to find nothing interesting.
jnconradie07-May-2007 07:51
Elena, sorry for being a bit late with the comments here. Now that you've pointed out the editing issues, I can see them, but before it did not bother me at all.

You do have an uncanny ability to look VERY different in different self-portraits. If you ever turned fugitive, you would be any law enforcing agency's worst nightmare! :-) :-) Only kidding of course.

The portrait itself is bold and colourful and splendidly done. In my humble opinion you did excellently to add to it other components, colours and textures to complete the whole. As oriental as one could hope for, I would say!

Comppliments and regards jnconradie
Canon DSLR Challenge07-May-2007 05:09
I think I see what you are referring to Elena with the halo around the table and the flat background but that is minor compared to the other elements in the composition of your wonderfully creative image. Well done! CJ
Canon DSLR Challenge07-May-2007 03:24
Maybe what you're talking about only shows up in the full rez image. What's showing here is nothing but gobs and gobs of unbelievable talent! So, you've been Black, White, and Chinese - which is real? LOL! I love the way things have flattened, yet all the skin is still 3-D. The little creatures add so much, and perfect the image. You are indeed masterful! ~ Lonnit
Canon DSLR Challenge06-May-2007 23:23
No, I am talking about edges, cutouts etc....(Not about colors or composition)
Canon DSLR Challenge06-May-2007 20:49
Why is this work not very strong? Too busy? I like it bunches regardless. Best Wishes, Traveller
Canon DSLR Challenge06-May-2007 19:50
Good work should encourage but not depress...
Technically this work is not very strong but I still have a "soft spot" for it because of the book...Elena
Guest 06-May-2007 19:28
I feel like I should just quit posting altogether. Incredible as always.