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Rick & José van der Weijde | profile | all galleries >> Zoo Pictures >> Zoo Photo Archive >> Mammals (Zoogdieren) >> Dogs and Foxes (Hondachtigen) >> Bat-Eared Fox (Grootoorvos) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Arctic Fox (Poolvos) | Corsac Fox (Steppevos) | Kitvos / Swift Fox | Red Fox (Vos) | Bat-Eared Fox (Grootoorvos) | Grey Wolf (Wolf) | Black-Backed Jackal (Zadeljakhals) | African Wild Dog (Afrikaanse Wilde Hond)

Bat-Eared Fox (Grootoorvos)

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites

Bat-Eared Fox - Otocyon megalotis - Grootoorvos (Lepelhond)
East- and South-Africa.

The following 2 subspecies are being recognized:
Otocyon megalotis virgatus - East-Africa, from Ethiopia and South-Sudan to Tanzania;
Otocyon megalotis megalotis - Southern Africa, from Zambia and Angola to South-Africa.

Of this species there are no Nature Photo's available.

Bat-Eared FoxOtocyon megalotis megalotis
Bat-Eared Fox
Otocyon megalotis megalotis