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Ed Barna | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Vermont Roadside Guide tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Vermont Roadside Guide

In contrast to most of what I post, these pictures are overwhemingly utilitarian in purpose, and only secondarily aesthetic objects. Quite simply, I want to put together images of many of the things that a visitor unfamiliar with the Vermont landscape would see while traveling, along with brief explanations, to make a visit more enjoyable. I encourage fellow Vermonters to get in touch if they want to add information or make corrections, and I'm open to suggestions for additional images.
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Slate HathawayFarmRutland.jpg
Slate HathawayFarmRutland.jpg
Horse Mushrooms Middlebury 7-4-2008.jpg
Horse Mushrooms Middlebury 7-4-2008.jpg
Asparagus South Woodstock 9-24-09.jpg
Asparagus South Woodstock 9-24-09.jpg
Poison Parsnips, Milkweed Behind 7-15.jpg
Poison Parsnips, Milkweed Behind 7-15.jpg
Day Lilies 7-15.jpg
Day Lilies 7-15.jpg
Elm 7-15.jpg
Elm 7-15.jpg
Farmers Market Brandon10-11-09 25.jpg
Farmers Market Brandon10-11-09 25.jpg
Gathering Tank 10-29-07.jpg
Gathering Tank 10-29-07.jpg
Harvestores Pawlet 10-31-09.jpg
Harvestores Pawlet 10-31-09.jpg
Haying Season Cornwall June 62006.jpg
Haying Season Cornwall June 62006.jpg
Alfalfa 7-15.jpg
Alfalfa 7-15.jpg
Iron Bridge Terms ChamplainBr10-10-09.jpg
Iron Bridge Terms ChamplainBr10-10-09.jpg
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