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Along Ridge Road in Cornwall, there is a stone wall, or what looks like a poorly maintained, tumbled-down, former stone wall, which many motorists probably pass without a second glance. The view from the ridge, toward the Green Mountains to the east, is more obviously appealing.
But this is the best assemblage I know of the large rocks that I have elsewhere termed “between a stone and a boulder.” (These have a gallery of their own, which does not include those in Cornwall.) I can’t believe this concentration of remarkable rocks came about through routine farm field clearance; I suspect the Brand family, some of whose members were friends before they moved, had the aesthetic sense to gather them. The current owner, whose privacy I do not want to disturb by naming, gave me permission to photograph them.
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Middlebury Falls in Winter-2009
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Bringing in the Sheaves
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Palettes of Vermont
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Omya Open Quarry Day
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Civic Beauty
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Art of the Woodpile
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One Day's Clouds 7-14-2007
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The Brandon Artists Guild
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Bernie's People
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Snow, Like the Sea
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Winter is a Foreign Land
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