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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> butterflies > Ochre Ringlet
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15-Jun-2019 Tom Munson

Ochre Ringlet

Spokane Co

Best viewed in original

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nestor Derkach03-Sep-2021 16:04
Perched perfectly on the very nice floral love the fringe on the outer part of the wings.
Resolution superb as the bokeh is as well.
Réal Jauvin17-Jun-2019 00:22
Très jolie prise de ce merveilleux papillon dans une magnifique composition qui lui donne une valeur plus avec de remarquables beaux détails!!
PauloCGama16-Jun-2019 22:02
Love the light and textures, Tom. v
davidksmith16-Jun-2019 18:47
Nice capture Tom. Perfect composition and sharp detail.
fdt16-Jun-2019 18:02
Great close-up shot.
Bryan Murahashi16-Jun-2019 16:53
Beautifully captured.
Hennie & Lies Lammers16-Jun-2019 16:09
Beautiful colors, details light and sharpness.
Dave Petersen Photography16-Jun-2019 14:53
The texture in the wings is fantastic and captured from the perfect POV. Any questions anyone would have about how sharp the 100-400 is should look at this capture. VV++
Hank Vander Velde16-Jun-2019 12:54
BEAUTIFUL Tom. Sharp, good setting and nice complimentary BG.
Pierre Martin16-Jun-2019 12:04
superb picture and composition, great setting and bg!
pkocinski16-Jun-2019 11:44
Pierre16-Jun-2019 11:27
Une superbe photo bien détaillée de ce joli papillon sur un arrière-plan impeccable! V
Missed Opportunities16-Jun-2019 11:23
Wonderful image - the pastel colors are perfect!
Graeme16-Jun-2019 10:16
An amazing closeup of this beauty, Tom.V!!!
danad16-Jun-2019 08:04
Superb silky texture, well captured ! V.
Helen Betts16-Jun-2019 01:58
What a great capture of this beautiful butterfly. The detail is just excellent.
Liz Bickel16-Jun-2019 01:48
Very nice capture.
DeMorcan16-Jun-2019 01:34