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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> butterflies > Painted Lady
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21-May-2019 Tom Munson

Painted Lady

Turnbull NWR

Best viewed in original

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coaster12-Jun-2019 04:21
A very nice photo, Tom.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)31-May-2019 16:17
Fab image,V
Wintermeer30-May-2019 00:16
An incredible macro, the petals add a wonderful splash of colour! ~V~
Chris Picard28-May-2019 15:05
Very beautiful Tom. Nicely done.
Ron Smith 27-May-2019 00:23
What a beautiful color combination.
Graeme26-May-2019 23:32
Superb colours and clarity.V
pkocinski26-May-2019 11:11
Pierre26-May-2019 10:51
Une splendide photo de cette belle dame dans ce beau décor fleuri! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal26-May-2019 06:42
Beautiful colors, details and sharpness.
Hank Vander Velde26-May-2019 05:18
Beautiful sharp and colourful image Tom.
Art Parnell26-May-2019 02:18
A perfect pose of this lady peeking between the petals, Tom.
Réal Jauvin25-May-2019 23:56
Magnifique prise de ce jolie papillon dans une composition aux remarquables belles couleurs!
davidksmith25-May-2019 23:03
Excellent capture Tom. Love the composition and sharp focus.
hayl25-May-2019 21:08
Super photo of this lady. She's picked a perfect flower.
joseantonio25-May-2019 18:41
lovely color to contrast with the beautiful butterfly.V.
Pierre Martin25-May-2019 16:36
superb shot in a great setting, bravo Tom!
janescottcumming25-May-2019 15:58
So pretty. V
Helen Betts25-May-2019 15:26
Love the colorful composition for this beautiful butterfly.
danad25-May-2019 15:10
Wonderful colors and details ! V.
chris morton25-May-2019 14:55
very fine details and nicely set off against the flower