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Tom Munson | all galleries >> Galleries >> butterflies > Western White
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15-Jun-2019 Tom Munson

Western White

Spokane Co

Best viewed in original

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Hank Vander Velde17-Jun-2019 20:42
Beautiful Butterfly, great setting and excellent sharp image Tom.
danad17-Jun-2019 15:19
Beautiful textures ! V.
Hennie & Lies Lammers17-Jun-2019 13:53
superb shot in a great setting
Helen Betts17-Jun-2019 12:49
What a fine composition, and excellent detail on the pretty butterfly.
Pierre17-Jun-2019 11:12
Tout à fait magnifique et très détaillée cette photo de ce joli papillon! V
Pierre Martin17-Jun-2019 10:49
superb details and compo, terrific shot!
Graeme17-Jun-2019 09:20
I am amazed at how you capture these beautiful butterflies with superb details at such long zoom lengths, Tom.V!!!
chris morton17-Jun-2019 07:19
beautiful detail
Bryan Murahashi17-Jun-2019 04:26
Fabulous details and capture, Tom.