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Tom Munson | all galleries >> hawks__falcons_vultures >> red-tailed_hawk > Red-tailed Hawk
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14-JAN-2018 Tom Munson

Red-tailed Hawk

Lincoln Co

Best viewed in Original

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Nestor Derkach09-Feb-2018 16:24
Perfect portrait of this Red Tailed Hawk. Belongs on a cover of a Wildlife publication.
Buz Kiefer19-Jan-2018 18:27
Superb, but then, everything you shot is. V
Hennie & Lies Lammers19-Jan-2018 15:52
A beautiful pose. Such outstanding detail in the feathers
danad19-Jan-2018 14:49
Greta pose and shot ! V.
Bryan Murahashi19-Jan-2018 13:56
A beautiful pose and capture, Tom.
Fong Lam19-Jan-2018 13:34
That's a lovely bird and great pose, Tom.....a splendid capture... V
Yi Feng19-Jan-2018 02:46
Beautifully posed Hawk Tom!
Hank Vander Velde19-Jan-2018 01:58
Nice sharp shot with good eye contact Tom.
Pierre Martin18-Jan-2018 23:08
the pose is superb showing greatly the tail!
Ken Chambers ARPS18-Jan-2018 21:07
Nice pose, Tom
joseantonio18-Jan-2018 20:45
stunning capture.V.
Phil Orgeron18-Jan-2018 20:36
Killer shot Tom! V
Robert Houde18-Jan-2018 18:33
Great pose and détails, bravo Tom.
Claude Gagnon18-Jan-2018 17:42
Beautiful in a great pose :))
Jim Stephens18-Jan-2018 17:28
Super portrait of such a shy bird. Well done!
Helen Betts18-Jan-2018 17:14
What a beautiful portrait, and I love that his red tail is so well pronounced!
fotabug18-Jan-2018 16:51
Suprb capture! V
Jeff Real18-Jan-2018 16:50
He looks wonderful and very majestic