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Tom Munson | all galleries >> hawks__falcons_vultures >> red-tailed_hawk > Red-tailed Hawk
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08-DEC-2017 Tom Munson

Red-tailed Hawk

Lincoln Co

Best viewed in Original

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Hennie & Lies Lammers09-Jan-2018 19:00
gorgeous image Tom !
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal09-Jan-2018 12:09
Beautiful sharp flight shot.
Bryan Murahashi09-Jan-2018 05:40
An excellent eye level flight capture.
Yi Feng08-Jan-2018 23:47
Nice catch Tom!
janescottcumming08-Jan-2018 23:06
Looks like a stealth fighter pilot!
Helen Betts08-Jan-2018 21:51
Super capture with great light. I always like it when its red tail is visible.
Claude Gagnon08-Jan-2018 21:19
Great with a little look over the shoulder :))
Ken Chambers ARPS08-Jan-2018 21:17
Returning from a feeding mission.
Dave Petersen Photography08-Jan-2018 21:07
This really conveys riding the wind as this hawk soars. The lighting really is nice in this capture Tom. VV
joseantonio08-Jan-2018 20:41
impressive capture in flight position.V.
Nestor Derkach08-Jan-2018 20:38
Impressive in flight capture,lovely in the wide format .
Nice light and detail.
Hank Vander Velde08-Jan-2018 20:08
SUPER flight shot Tom. Lover the fly-by look it is giving you.
Dave Hawkins08-Jan-2018 19:55
Wonderful image Tom
lovely flight shot
Tom LeRoy08-Jan-2018 18:41
Beautiful shot, Tom. He's really moving fast! V
Wintermeer08-Jan-2018 18:32
Great light,from this angle it does resemble a B2- bomber somewhat ;-) ~V~
chris morton08-Jan-2018 17:36
interesting side-on flight shot