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Tom Munson | all galleries >> hawks__falcons_vultures >> red-tailed_hawk > Red-tailed Hawk (The reason they are called Red-tailed}
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14-JAN-2018 Tom Munson

Red-tailed Hawk (The reason they are called Red-tailed}

Lincoln Co

Best viewed in Original

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Don24-Jan-2018 11:04
Yes, I get it! What an intriguing perspective, almost ghost like.
janescottcumming22-Jan-2018 00:39 I get it! Fantastic catch. V
Jeff Real21-Jan-2018 15:01
Brilliant work with this high key setting
Fong Lam21-Jan-2018 14:49
Perfect capture of this awesome red tail, Tom...V
Jean Chiasson20-Jan-2018 21:45
Beautiful image and work Tom V
joseantonio20-Jan-2018 20:56
amazing capture of those large wings.V
hayl20-Jan-2018 18:43
Just excellent.
Pierre Martin20-Jan-2018 18:09
that tail really flash, excellent capture!
Helen Betts20-Jan-2018 17:27
I love this picture! I've never seen the red tail so well displayed and will no longer question how they got that name. Thank you for posting it.
Hank Vander Velde20-Jan-2018 16:42
Nice pre-landing shot Tom. Great display of the red tail.
Tom LeRoy20-Jan-2018 16:25
Awesome red tail. This is really a fine sharp shot, Tom. V
Chris Picard20-Jan-2018 16:08
Yes it is! Great shot of this hawks tail.
Jim Stephens20-Jan-2018 15:33
Great point of view showing the colors!