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Cape and Islands WIP
:: Cape and Islands WIP ::
2024 Solar Eclipse - Brownington, VT
:: 2024 Solar Eclipse - Brownington, VT ::
NOLA Mardi Gras 2018
:: NOLA Mardi Gras 2018 ::
2017 Solar Eclipse - Glendo, Wyoming
:: 2017 Solar Eclipse - Glendo, Wyoming ::
Recent Photos
:: Recent Photos ::
Florida banded birds, March 2017
:: Florida banded birds, March 2017 ::
Jan-Feb 2017 Bahamas plover count
:: Jan-Feb 2017 Bahamas plover count  ::
Tanzania safari Sep 2016
:: Tanzania safari Sep 2016 ::
Berkshire Trail, Mass.
:: Berkshire Trail, Mass. ::
Jacob's Ladder Trail, Mass. - US Route 20 through the Berkshires
:: Jacob's Ladder Trail, Mass. - US Route 20 through the Berkshires ::
Mohawk Trail, Mass.
:: Mohawk Trail, Mass. ::
Berkshire Street Railway
:: Berkshire Street Railway ::
Old Postcards and Photos of Westport, Mass. and surroundings
:: Old Postcards and Photos of Westport, Mass. and surroundings ::
:: Vermont ::
Great New England Hurricane of 1938
:: Great New England Hurricane of 1938 ::
International Piping Plover Census 2016 - Andros, Bahamas
:: International Piping Plover Census 2016 - Andros, Bahamas ::
International Piping Plover Census 2016 - Great Inagua, Bahamas
:: International Piping Plover Census 2016 - Great Inagua, Bahamas ::
Oct-Nov 2014 New Orleans road trip
:: Oct-Nov 2014 New Orleans road trip ::
2014 Road Trip: Boston to Alaska and Back
:: 2014 Road Trip: Boston to Alaska and Back ::
California trip Jun-July 2014
:: California trip Jun-July 2014 ::
Seattle trip March-April 2014
:: Seattle trip March-April 2014 ::
Southwest Florida critters & scenery 2014
:: Southwest Florida critters & scenery 2014 ::
BIG birds
:: BIG birds ::
Calendars 2009-2014
:: Calendars 2009-2014 ::
Old Postcards of Essex, Mass.
:: Old Postcards of Essex, Mass. ::
Camp Hochelaga on Lake Champlain
:: Camp Hochelaga on Lake Champlain ::
Portia Law School
:: Portia Law School ::
South Dakota badlands
:: South Dakota badlands ::
Florida Panhandle
:: Florida Panhandle ::
Grand Manan, New Brunswick
:: Grand Manan, New Brunswick ::
Andros, Bahamas
:: Andros, Bahamas ::
Trip to New Orleans Oct-Nov 2010
:: Trip to New Orleans Oct-Nov 2010 ::
Canada Trip August 2010
:: Canada Trip August 2010 ::
Seabirds and Whales trip 7-Sep-10
:: Seabirds and Whales trip 7-Sep-10 ::
Extreme Pelagic Trip, 26 June 2010
:: Extreme Pelagic Trip, 26 June 2010 ::
:: Florida ::
Alaska, Fall 1994
:: Alaska, Fall 1994 ::
Wednesday Morning Birding, Joppa Flats Audubon Ctr
:: Wednesday Morning Birding, Joppa Flats Audubon Ctr ::
Bird Galleries (categorized)
:: Bird Galleries (categorized) ::
Panhandle Plovers
:: Panhandle Plovers ::
Piping Plovers
:: Piping Plovers ::
Rare & Unusual Birds
:: Rare & Unusual Birds ::
Mammals, Reptiles, Fishes and Bugs
:: Mammals, Reptiles, Fishes and Bugs ::
Essex River Race May 2008
:: Essex River Race May 2008 ::
2009 Essex River Race
:: 2009 Essex River Race ::
Essex River Race 2010
:: Essex River Race 2010 ::
2013 Essex River Race / Run
:: 2013 Essex River Race / Run ::
Snow Row 2009, Hull, MA Lifesaving Museum
:: Snow Row 2009, Hull, MA Lifesaving Museum ::
Snow Row 2011
:: Snow Row 2011 ::
8x10 photos
:: 8x10 photos ::
:: 2009_calendar ::
Landis family
:: Landis family ::
:: old_letter ::
:: PEJ ::
TTOR MV trip
:: TTOR MV trip ::
NOLA Mardi Gras 2018 - family version
:: NOLA Mardi Gras 2018 - family version ::
:: NOLA ::
:: Family ::