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Mohawk Trail, Mass.

Postcards and photos from the old days of the Mohawk Trail - Massachusetts Route 2
Arranged roughly from east to west and from oldest to newest.

Scans have been adjusted and color-corrected to enhance details; originals often
are yellowed and faded. Reverses show truer colors.
gallery: eastern Trail up to French King Bridge
:: gallery: eastern Trail up to French King Bridge ::
galleries: Montague MA incl. Millers Falls, Turners Falls & Lake Pleasant
:: galleries: Montague MA incl. Millers Falls, Turners Falls & Lake Pleasant ::
galleries: Trail Greenfield through Shelburne, MA
:: galleries: Trail Greenfield through Shelburne, MA ::
galleries: Shelburne Falls and Buckland
:: galleries: Shelburne Falls and Buckland ::
galleries: Trail Buckland to Charlemont
:: galleries: Trail Buckland to Charlemont ::
galleries: Charlemont, MA
:: galleries: Charlemont, MA ::
galleries: Trail Charlemont to Mohawk Park on Deerfield River
:: galleries: Trail Charlemont to Mohawk Park on Deerfield River ::
galleries: up the Deerfield to Zoar, Hoosac Tunnel, Monroe, Rowe
:: galleries: up the Deerfield to Zoar, Hoosac Tunnel, Monroe, Rowe ::
gallery: Confluence of Deerfield and Cold Rivers
:: gallery: Confluence of Deerfield and Cold Rivers ::
galleries: Trail from Mohawk Park to Cold River Bridge
:: galleries: Trail from Mohawk Park to Cold River Bridge ::
galleries: Cold River Bridge to Drury
:: galleries: Cold River Bridge to Drury ::
Top of Trail, East to West
:: Top of Trail, East to West ::
Down West Slope to Hairpin Turn and Back
:: Down West Slope to Hairpin Turn and Back ::
Below Hair Pin Turn
:: Below Hair Pin Turn ::
North Adams
:: North Adams ::
views west from Trail
:: views west from Trail ::
The Trail of the Mohawk Souvenir Guide Book, pub. Whitcombe Summit
:: The Trail of the Mohawk Souvenir Guide Book, pub. Whitcombe Summit ::