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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Traveling Back in Time
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Traveling Back in Time

Kodak Z650
1/200s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault25-May-2010 17:40
LynnH23-May-2010 15:01
Great picture in picture composition here!! V
J. Scott Coile21-May-2010 20:18
Lovely. I imagine the memories are deep there.
Kathryn21-May-2010 15:55
borisalex21-May-2010 15:48
What a beautiful scene, you touch my heart! V.
Cindi Smith21-May-2010 11:28
Love it! Love the wildflowers!
Jola Dziubinska21-May-2010 11:23
Oh, how sweet, love the springtime scenery and that old house. V.
Stephanie21-May-2010 08:38
Looks like a pretty old barn.
Ann...21-May-2010 08:12
Very well done and as ever beautifully presented.
Mieke WA Minkjan21-May-2010 07:40
like the implemented capture of the shed
regi olbrechts21-May-2010 07:11
Well done! It works!!
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