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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Recalling a Certain Look in the Eyes!
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Recalling a Certain Look in the Eyes!

(Outdoor Fish Tank showcasing fish from the Ohio River at the
Annual Madison Folk Festival.)

Kodak Z650
1/125s f/3.2 at 13.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Frank Brault25-May-2010 17:41
Fantastic! V
Jola Dziubinska24-May-2010 00:33
Impressive encounter, great shot Carol. V.
Char23-May-2010 23:34
This is fantastic, Carol! That's a great close-up. \/
Cindi Smith23-May-2010 14:23
That is one huge catfish!!!!!!!
LynnH23-May-2010 14:18
I've heard there are sea monsters in the Ohio! Great catch (LOL)!!
Stephanie23-May-2010 09:28
Is this a catfish? Cool shot Carol! :)
Mieke WA Minkjan23-May-2010 08:24
looks like a very big fish, don't understand the difference between the two eyes
borisalex23-May-2010 06:12
Looks yummi! Good for a stew :) !
Kathryn23-May-2010 05:59
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