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2022 May PAD | 2021 Photo-a-Misc. Day or Week or Month.... | PAD Sept 2018 - Scavenger Hunt | PAD 2018 August - Scavenger Hunt | PAD July 2018 - Scavenger Hunt | Weekly Challenge | All in a Pet Sitter's Day | July PAD: Melodic Memories | COLORS 2016 SEPTEMBER THEME | #KiaKey | Misc. uploads - maybe I will try to to the alphabet... | Photo Whenever...

2022 May PAD

This month's Challenge is:

Hobbies, personal interest, projects, people, places and pets...
Tiny Weed Daisies.jpg
Tiny Weed Daisies.jpg
Heart to Peace.jpg
Heart to Peace.jpg
Beetle in Iris
Beetle in Iris
068 Patriotic Flo.jpg
068 Patriotic Flo.jpg
Rafaela Licking her chops
Rafaela Licking her chops
Beading Books and Project Folder
Beading Books and Project Folder
International Tea Day - May 21, 2022
International Tea Day - May 21, 2022
Friday Selfie Perfect Measurements
Friday Selfie Perfect Measurements
Canada Goose Family
Canada Goose Family
Watching the Ducks
Watching the Ducks
Helen's Dogwood
Helen's Dogwood
Red Ear-eared Slider
Red Ear-eared Slider
Wolf in the house - selfie Friday
Wolf in the house - selfie Friday
134 Sparkling Duke
134 Sparkling Duke
Inner Beauty
Inner Beauty
Afternoon Brew
Afternoon Brew
Cadence 3D Star - tested pattern
Cadence 3D Star - tested pattern
Canada Goose mom and baby
Canada Goose mom and baby
Flash of Light Iris
Flash of Light Iris
Whimsy Corner masked selfie bear.jpg
Whimsy Corner masked selfie bear.jpg
The Pit Stop (well one of many)
The Pit Stop (well one of many)
Carpenter Bee - Male
Carpenter Bee - Male
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Beaded Gifts
Beaded Gifts
Wiley in Cat's Spring House
Wiley in Cat's Spring House