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Weekly Challenge

Formerly Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge, Thurs. PAW
* MOUSE CLICK PHOTOS To Enlarge Photos... Thanks for looking & enjoy!
Layered Self Portrait
Layered Self Portrait
In Your Face
In Your Face
Inside It's Face
Inside It's Face
Alien Water Souls
Alien Water Souls
Kia Reflection #4  - 500 Miles
Kia Reflection #4 - 500 Miles
Curb Appeal from a Hamster's Viewpoint - 500 Miles
Curb Appeal from a Hamster's Viewpoint - 500 Miles
Iris Invitation
Iris Invitation
The Beautiful  Curvy Male
The Beautiful Curvy Male
A Touch of Sun
A Touch of Sun
SolaTube Entry: In the Kitchen
SolaTube Entry: In the Kitchen
Quantitative Easing
Quantitative Easing
Let's Go Shopping
Let's Go Shopping
Seeing the Unseen
Seeing the Unseen
Time Warp Transitions
Time Warp Transitions
Shoot the Shooter
Shoot the Shooter
 Be Different
"Be Different"
Framed Art Vase
Framed Art Vase
Face of Mt. Diablo
Face of Mt. Diablo
Double Vision
Double Vision
Point ogf View:  Steel Fence
Point ogf View: Steel Fence
Everyday Abstract
Everyday Abstract
Incense & Leaves
Incense & Leaves
Listen Vehicle
Listen Vehicle
Clearly Abstract Crystal
Clearly Abstract Crystal
Fox Squirrels
Fox Squirrels
Hohner Special 20 Harp - key of E
Hohner Special 20 Harp - key of E
Chrome & Ebony
Chrome & Ebony
Give Birth to a Smile
Give Birth to a Smile
Yellow Rubber Ducky Impostor
Yellow Rubber Ducky Impostor
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Sky's Natural Light
Sky's Natural Light
Goofy's Ghost!
Goofy's Ghost!
Please Don't Lock Me Out
Please Don't Lock Me Out
Old friend, new friend, Good Buddies
Old friend, new friend, Good Buddies
Into the Petals (2 images - same in color - MUCH BETTER!)
Into the Petals (2 images - same in color - MUCH BETTER!)
Medicine Time
Medicine Time
Blur & Color
Blur & Color
Animate & the Inanimate
Animate & the Inanimate
Metal: Amer. Indian Headdress (2 images)
Metal: Amer. Indian Headdress (2 images)
Handle Me
Handle Me
Ride the Country
Ride the Country
Offering for the Minibeast
Offering for the Minibeast
Mystery & Suspense
"Mystery & Suspense"
Dreams Beyond Bounderies
Dreams Beyond Bounderies
Merry Crittermas & Happy New Year
"Merry Crittermas & Happy New Year"
A Blast from the Past....60's Style
"A Blast from the Past....60's Style"
Shadow Play
"Shadow Play"
Something That Takes Your Fancy
"Something That Takes Your Fancy"
Rays of Hope & Healing
Rays of Hope & Healing