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07-May-2022 Flo Hendry

Cadence 3D Star - tested pattern

Cheryl Bryan's double sided 3D star tutorial/pattern that I tested. Being a tester, I get pattern & in make sure there are no errors in the word or graph pattern.
I then take pictures of the my beaded item that she can use on her website Hookin' to the Beat.
This has the same pattern on each side, just white & black beads were switched which gives it a different look.
I added a couple of charms, a musical note cause the name of the Star Pattern is Cadence. The images I gave her do not have the charms or my signature.

Pattern presently testing & found word chart colors do not match color graph. Informed designer who will make the corrections before making the tutorial available for purchase.

Olympus PEN-F Digital
1/160s f/8.0 at 33.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska18-May-2022 00:00
Very pretty artwork, Lovely pattern. V.
Mieke WA Minkjan13-May-2022 09:32
beautiful stars and interesting explanation V
Chris10-May-2022 08:34
These are beautiful, so talented.
larose forest photos10-May-2022 01:28
Wow, these are stunning. You are very creative indeed. V
Dennis Hoyne10-May-2022 00:18
A wonderful concept, I love these crafty items.
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