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Chris Utter | profile | all galleries >> Scanned Photos - 13 galleries, 6 subgalleries >> Black and White Photos from the 1960's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White Photos from the 1960's

Photographs taken with a Bronica S SLR camera or Rolliflex TLR in the 1960's. (This is a on-going scanning project; more will be added as I find orginal negatives.)
CA Thayer added 6/4/2014.
Mt. Whitney, 1963
:: Mt. Whitney, 1963 ::
Virgina City, 1964
:: Virgina City, 1964 ::
Pt. Reyes
:: Pt. Reyes ::
Boston & Pelham Areas, 1965
:: Boston & Pelham Areas, 1965 ::
Washington, D. C., 1965
:: Washington, D. C., 1965 ::
Golden Gate Bridge, North Tower
Golden Gate Bridge, North Tower
Hyde Street Cable Car - 1964
Hyde Street Cable Car - 1964
Shadow Lake
Shadow Lake
C. A. Thayer
C. A. Thayer