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Chris Utter | profile | all galleries >> Scanned Photos - 13 galleries, 6 subgalleries >> Black and White Photos from the 1960's >> Pt. Reyes tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pt. Reyes

A few pictures from Point Reyes National Seashore that I took in 1965.

Orginal 120 negatives scanned and processed in PS 4.
Abbotts Lagoon area
Abbotts Lagoon area
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit
Limantour Spit