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Big Mike's Recent Galleries

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11-Jul-2006 18:40
Pictures with my Canon EOS 350D
Pictures with my Canon EOS 350D
09-Mar-2006 06:35
Boy it's cold...
Boy it's cold...
06-Mar-2006 07:14
Tropical Gallery...
Tropical Gallery...
06-Mar-2006 03:23
Butterfly Gallery...
Butterfly Gallery...
05-Mar-2006 19:47
Frankfurt Palmengarten....
Frankfurt Palmengarten....
05-Mar-2006 18:53
Spring flower Gallery
Spring flower Gallery
17-Feb-2006 17:11
Bridge of Sighs....
Bridge of Sighs....
16-Feb-2006 16:24
Bad Homburg  vor der Höhe
Bad Homburg vor der Höhe
06-Feb-2006 05:59
The old town of Büdingen...
The old town of Büdingen...
06-Feb-2006 04:44
Bird Mountain
Bird Mountain
31-Jan-2006 06:39
Wilhelmsbad in the Winter
Wilhelmsbad in the Winter
12-Jan-2006 18:14
Austria 2005
Austria 2005