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Charlene Ambrose | all galleries >> Galleries >> lighthouses > Pointe Vicente Lighthouse
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11-Jul-2021 Charlene Ambrose

Pointe Vicente Lighthouse

Palos Verdes Peninsula, California

Another view of the lighthouse. The point it sits on was named by Captain George Vancouver in 1790
for a friend of his, Friar Vicente of the mission Buenaventura.
The grounds are only open once a month for a few hours. While the lighthouse is automated, the housing facilities are used by regular Coast Guard personnel.
The lighthouse is 67 ft tall, but the light beam is actually 185 feet above the ocean.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Alexander Kazakov03-Aug-2023 17:28
Great! V
bill friedlander27-Apr-2023 21:05
Very well composed with the trees leading up to the lighthouse. V
LynnH26-Apr-2023 23:07
Love the rows of palms repeating the upright feature of that lighthouse. V
laine27-Jan-2023 07:38
How lovely that looks...a pretty lighthouse. V
Dennis Hoyne26-Jan-2023 02:24
I love those palms, such a beautiful location.
Julie Oldfield26-Jan-2023 01:39
How stunning! V
globalgadabout25-Jan-2023 20:59
a beauty of a shot showing the site in so favourable a manner..
Walter Otto Koenig25-Jan-2023 19:31
Very nice view of this beautifully situated lighthouse. "V"
Apostolos Tikopoulos25-Jan-2023 18:01
Love this wonderful perspective, here. V
Jeff Real25-Jan-2023 17:49
This is just the most appealing scene!
Allan Jay25-Jan-2023 16:33
Fantastic view and wonderful leading
Dan Greenberg25-Jan-2023 16:10
Great shot showing not only the lighthouse so nicely, but also its environment and entourage of palm trees. ~BV~
Marcia Rules25-Jan-2023 16:08
Very good framing with great colors and elements that are so interesting! VVV~
marie-jose wolff25-Jan-2023 15:01
a beautiful seaside landscape with the lighthouse surrounded by a palm grove! V
Helen Betts25-Jan-2023 14:09
Well composed capture of this tranquil looking place. Interesting history as well. V.
Dave Petersen Photography25-Jan-2023 13:29
Terrific perspective with the leading lines and strong composition. The soft lighting really conveys the mood beautifully. An outstanding capture Charlene!! VV++
Danad25-Jan-2023 09:24
A. nice perspective with the palm trees and the lighthouse.
joseantonio25-Jan-2023 08:28
nice composition with the framing palm trees.V.
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