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Charlene Ambrose | all galleries >> Galleries >> lighthouses > Spring Flowers at Point Vicente Lighthouse
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Spring Flowers at Point Vicente Lighthouse

Palos Verdes Peninsula, California

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Marcia Colelli12-Nov-2023 16:50
Very lovely perspective composition. V
Zoltán Balogh09-May-2023 14:54
Marvellous composition! V
Allan Jay02-May-2023 20:18
Beautiful foreground to an excellent
composition of this lighthouse!
Guest 30-Apr-2023 05:33
Excellent picture with all these flowers looking towards the sun (V)
vifut30-Apr-2023 05:33
Excellent picture with all these flowers looking towards the sun (V)
Tom LeRoy29-Apr-2023 07:49
Superbly composed, unique, and beautiful image! V
Nick Paoni29-Apr-2023 03:15
The flowers add so much to this iconic view.
Graeme28-Apr-2023 21:51
I just love the colors of this beautiful scene of the lighthouse and foreground yellow flowers, Char.V
William Hartshorn28-Apr-2023 20:20
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Char!!! That patch of Flowers on the Hillside
was calling to be Captured!! Surprisingly no one else found the Secret Spot!! ;-)
Dennis Hoyne28-Apr-2023 03:37
A stunning image, such a beautiful scene!
Buz Kiefer28-Apr-2023 02:02
Excellent depth and a great composition. Very, very nice. V
Don Mottershead27-Apr-2023 22:24
Beautifully composed image. V
Nirvan Hope27-Apr-2023 18:02
A perfect view of the bright flowers, blue sky/sea AND the light house!
marie-jose wolff27-Apr-2023 15:58
great composition with the all these flowers, beautiful view! V
janescottcumming27-Apr-2023 13:33
Very pretty from front to back. V
Jeff Real27-Apr-2023 11:54
What a beautiful composition!
You have captured a perfect day with this fine light!
Bryan Murahashi27-Apr-2023 04:34
Sweet capture with all the Spring flowers.
LynnH26-Apr-2023 23:06
Beautifully composed and so colorful! Lovely image. V
Julie Oldfield26-Apr-2023 20:35
Beautiful composition with the flowers and lighthouse in the distance. V
bill friedlander26-Apr-2023 20:31
Beautiful composition. Like everything about it. V
Walter Otto Koenig26-Apr-2023 18:10
Beautiful view. Very nice composition. "V"
globalgadabout26-Apr-2023 16:51
upbeat and efferevescent..super work Charlene...V
Helen Betts26-Apr-2023 16:30
What a beautiful capture, with all the wildflowers in the foreground. V.
Richard Chu26-Apr-2023 15:41
Great POV with beautiful foreground! V
Marcia Rules26-Apr-2023 14:47
A most beautiful composition! So idyllic ~VVV~
Fong Lam26-Apr-2023 13:11
Beautiful coastal scene and lighthouse....fabulous capture and composition...V
Guest 26-Apr-2023 12:55
Lovely shot. The rain really helped out there!
Carl Carbone26-Apr-2023 12:55
Lovely shot. The rain really helped out there!
John Reynolds LRPS26-Apr-2023 11:51
An impressive coastal scene - lots of colour. V.
Danad26-Apr-2023 09:46
A beautiful view on the lighthouse !
Raymond26-Apr-2023 09:34
Wow, superb shot, great composition
Guest 26-Apr-2023 09:30
Ahh..the super bloom! So beautiful view and shot in great light! V
Borisalex26-Apr-2023 09:30
Ahh..the super bloom! So beautiful view and shot in great light! V
laine26-Apr-2023 08:45
An inspiring spring display and a lovely place overall. V
joseantonio26-Apr-2023 07:37
a beautiful composition and view with all those flowers in the foreground.V
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