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Charlene Ambrose | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> dallas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive
Pioneer Plaza Cattle Drive
Stone Street
Stone Street
The Giant Eyeball
The Giant Eyeball
Water Feature at the AT&T Discovery District.
Water Feature at the AT&T Discovery District.
A Different View of the Globe at AT&T Discovery District
A Different View of the Globe at AT&T Discovery District
AT&T Headquarters Lobby
AT&T Headquarters Lobby
Media Wall at AT&T Discovery District
Media Wall at AT&T Discovery District
The Globe at the At&T Discovery District
The Globe at the At&T Discovery District
AT&T Discovery District Open Area
AT&T Discovery District Open Area
Adolphus Hotel Lounge Area
Adolphus Hotel Lounge Area
Adolphus Hotel
Adolphus Hotel
Welcome to Dallas
Welcome to Dallas