Dave Banks | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> SE-ARS P4M 2014 Plants... | tree view | thumbnails | slideshow |
These plants are being considered for P4M distribution in 2014 to members of the South-Eastern Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society.
The original plan was to consider plants from various member gardens. Now the plan is to focus on Haag plants, mostly unnamed Haag hybrids* that are not available elsewhere, because the property is for sale, and our access to the plants may end when it is sold.
The pictures of the Haag plants are in the order they were flagged in the Haag (h) garden, along with several Haag plants in the Stelloh (s) and Collins (c) gardens. They are in date order (dates are shown on the large pictures), starting May 9 and ending June 10. After a break, the remaining pictures are of plants by other hybridizers in the Stelloh and Collins gardens.
Click a thumbnail for a large picture with more information (and choice of sizes). Click your browser back button or click the large picture to return to the thumbnails.
* Click here to download a PDF file of information about 100 named Haag hybrids.
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