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macro shots of plants, mostly . . . most lengthwise shots could be rotated upright and still look "right" . . . all are from 2.1MP originals (most are cropped) . . . most are sharpened and otherwise not enhanced
R. calendulaceum

R. calendulaceum

Gregory Bald seedling

Gregory Bald seedling

Japanese maple leaf

Japanese maple leaf



Variegated Solomon Seal I

Variegated Solomon Seal I

Variegated Solomon Seal II

Variegated Solomon Seal II

Azalea 'Orangeade'

Azalea 'Orangeade'

Iris I

Iris I

Iris II

Iris II

Iris III

Iris III

Mushroom I

Mushroom I

Mushroom II

Mushroom II

Mushroom III

Mushroom III

Mushroom IV

Mushroom IV

Mushroom V

Mushroom V

Mushroom VI

Mushroom VI

Columbine I

Columbine I

Columbine II

Columbine II

Columbine III

Columbine III

Columbine IV

Columbine IV

Columbine V

Columbine V

Picea orientalis I

Picea orientalis I

Picea orientalis II

Picea orientalis II

Azalea 'Kazan' I

Azalea 'Kazan' I

Azalea 'Kazan' II

Azalea 'Kazan' II

Azalea 'Kazan' III

Azalea 'Kazan' III

Oenethera I

Oenethera I

Oenethera II

Oenethera II

Mountain Laurel I

Mountain Laurel I

Mountain Laurel II

Mountain Laurel II

Mountain Laurel III

Mountain Laurel III

Cryptomeria japonica I

Cryptomeria japonica I

Cryptomeria japonica II

Cryptomeria japonica II

Cryptomeria japonica III

Cryptomeria japonica III

Cryptomeria japonica IV

Cryptomeria japonica IV

Hosta I

Hosta I

Azalea schlippenbachi I

Azalea schlippenbachi I

Dwarf Solomon Seal

Dwarf Solomon Seal

Wood Anemone

Wood Anemone

Mountain Laurel IV

Mountain Laurel IV

Mountain Laurel V

Mountain Laurel V

Primula kisoana I

Primula kisoana I

Primula kisoana II

Primula kisoana II

Primula kisoana III

Primula kisoana III



Strawberry Begonia

Strawberry Begonia

Mountain Laurel VI

Mountain Laurel VI

Mountain Laurel VII

Mountain Laurel VII

Mountain Laurel VIII

Mountain Laurel VIII

Mountain Laurel IX

Mountain Laurel IX

Foam Flower

Foam Flower



Fire Pink I

Fire Pink I

Fire Pink II

Fire Pink II

Fire Pink III

Fire Pink III

Fire Pink IV

Fire Pink IV

Fire Pink V

Fire Pink V

Water I

Water I

Water II

Water II

Water III

Water III

Azalea 'Aozara' I

Azalea 'Aozara' I

Azalea 'Aozara' II

Azalea 'Aozara' II

Gregory Bald seedling

Gregory Bald seedling

Oak I

Oak I

Oak II

Oak II

Pachysandra procumbens

Pachysandra procumbens

Enkianthus palibini I

Enkianthus palibini I

Enkianthus palibini II

Enkianthus palibini II

Enkianthus palibini III

Enkianthus palibini III



Oak IV

Oak IV

Oak V

Oak V

Hosta II

Hosta II

Hosta III

Hosta III



Long-leaf Pine

Long-leaf Pine



wildflower I

wildflower I

wildflower II

wildflower II

Helleborus orientalis

Helleborus orientalis

Tulip closeup

Tulip closeup

Acer koreana new leaves

Acer koreana new leaves

R. maximum new growth

R. maximum new growth

Castilleja coccinea (Indian Paint-Brush)
MP 437.1 S

Castilleja coccinea (Indian Paint-Brush)
MP 437.1 S

Trillium catesbaei

Trillium catesbaei

Magnolia ashei

Magnolia ashei

R. austrinum

R. austrinum

R. flammeum

R. flammeum

R. 'Klondyke'

R. 'Klondyke'

R. 'Dayspring' (Glenn Dale)

R. 'Dayspring' (Glenn Dale)

R. 'Easter Parade' sport

R. 'Easter Parade' sport

R. 'Kasumi Gaseki' (Kurume)

R. 'Kasumi Gaseki' (Kurume)

R. 'Pearl Bradford' sport

R. 'Pearl Bradford' sport

Picea glauca

Picea glauca

Lysimachia minutissima

Lysimachia minutissima

Lysimachia minutissima

Lysimachia minutissima

Lilium sp.

Lilium sp.



Butterfly Weed I

Butterfly Weed I

Butterfly Weed II

Butterfly Weed II

unknown weed

unknown weed



Oenethera III

Oenethera III

Oenethera IV

Oenethera IV

Oenethera V

Oenethera V

Fern sp.

Fern sp.



Pinus thunbergi 'Aocha Matsu'

Pinus thunbergi 'Aocha Matsu'

Begonia I

Begonia I

Begonia II

Begonia II

Begonia III

Begonia III

Fraser fir stump

Fraser fir stump

Fraser fir stump

Fraser fir stump

Monarda didyma (Bee-balm)

Monarda didyma (Bee-balm)

R. prunifolium

R. prunifolium

sign detail - letters seem to be sandblasted into the wood and gilded

sign detail - letters seem to be sandblasted into the wood and gilded

Vine on a tree

Vine on a tree