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Bryan Murahashi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2006 Adventures tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

2006 Adventures

Jan - Stardust ReEntry
:: Jan - Stardust ReEntry ::
Jan 29 - Hike at Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve
:: Jan 29 - Hike at Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve ::
Feb 19 - Bike ride on the Coyote Creek Trail
:: Feb 19 - Bike ride on the Coyote Creek Trail ::
Feb 24 - XC Skiing at Yosemite NP
:: Feb 24 - XC Skiing at Yosemite NP ::
March 4 - Hiking the Waterfall Loop at Big Basin SP
:: March 4 - Hiking the Waterfall Loop at Big Basin SP ::
March 11 - Snow around the Santa Clara Valley
:: March 11 - Snow around the Santa Clara Valley ::
March 26 - Hike to Bald Mountain
:: March 26 - Hike to Bald Mountain ::
April 29 - Backcountry Weekend at Coe Park
:: April 29 - Backcountry Weekend at Coe Park ::
May 6 : Hiking to the top of Mount Tamalpais
:: May 6 : Hiking to the top of Mount Tamalpais ::
May 20 - Hike to Point Bonita Lighthouse
:: May 20 - Hike to Point Bonita Lighthouse ::
June 2 - Backpacking to Preston Falls
:: June 2 - Backpacking to Preston Falls ::
June 24 - Hike up Sweeny Ridge
:: June 24 - Hike up Sweeny Ridge ::
July 23 - Backpacking the John Muir trail in Yosemite NP
:: July 23 - Backpacking the John Muir trail in Yosemite NP ::
Septermber 16 - Weekend at Mitteldorf Preserve
:: Septermber 16 - Weekend at Mitteldorf Preserve ::
Oct 14 - Hike at Andrew Molera SP
:: Oct 14 - Hike at Andrew Molera SP ::