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Geoff Delderfield Photography | all galleries >> Other Galleries >> A Photo A Day >> June 2004 > 17th June
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17th June

We've got a new coffee machine!

It's one of those new coffee POD machines. It's nice. It looks cool. It's got a red light-up on/off button on it. It makes great coffee. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Doctor! I need my medication again!

other sizes: small medium original auto
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northstar3717-Jun-2004 20:57
I have a great coffee maker too, but a human one ;-)
Carmen17-Jun-2004 20:37
Lucky, lucky. I have an oldie (but goodie) espresso maker and am more or less resigned to dealing with the used coffee grounds, but I do envy you. Have one for me!
Robin Reid17-Jun-2004 19:42
I'm with you Geoff...nothing like great cup of cofee (or two) in the morning. Congratulations.