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Geoff Delderfield Photography | all galleries >> Other Galleries >> A Photo A Day >> June 2004 > 16th June
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16th June

This swan wasn't too happy to have his photo taken. He proceeded to attack me. Luckily I carried on shooting to catch the action. See here: and here: I survived without a scratch!

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Guest 06-Aug-2004 21:04
Wow just spotted this one, this is a great shot nice depth also.The toning is excellent, love how you have burnt in the edges. A pro shot U shouldn't be doing this for a living.
Jo-Pete Nelson 17-Jun-2004 17:59
awesome! I really like it. A lot. It gives a lot more depth and thought to the normal "animal picture"
Guest 17-Jun-2004 16:21
Outstanding capture!
Guest 17-Jun-2004 15:42
You need to ask permision before shooting a lady like that!! Honestly... WOW!
Guest 17-Jun-2004 04:49
This is great Geoff! Exceptional!
Joseph Tidwell17-Jun-2004 02:10
Love the angle and the vignetting goes nice with the tones.
jude17-Jun-2004 00:35
Love your vantage point here! The sepia tones are excellent. The other two photos are good as well. But I'd have run..
Guest 16-Jun-2004 22:45
Nice beautiful shot. LOL from all the other pictures.
Guest 16-Jun-2004 20:42
Great tonal values and perspective.
We'll see you on the next episode of "When Animals Attack!"
CJ Morgan16-Jun-2004 20:26
Nice shot geoff.
Kenneth Zimmerman16-Jun-2004 19:47
Very nice Goeff, thanks for including the other shots also, too funny, I'm glad you are ok. Regards, Ken
Robin Reid16-Jun-2004 19:41
This is a great image and of course is an excellent PaD. However, I like the one with swan attacking... has much more drama and action to it.
christianl16-Jun-2004 19:36
Cool shot!
I like this low viewpoint...
Guest 16-Jun-2004 19:32
hilarious story.. great job, and watch out for Rabid Swans that spit venom.
penny roots16-Jun-2004 19:18
Beautiful shot , they must have a nest around somewhere near , that could be why it is so agressive . Keep watch and they should have some cygnets around soon if they haven't already , take care though , don't get too close as they are powerful birds .
Bryan Murahashi16-Jun-2004 18:55
Beautiful shot. She probably attacks all of the paparazzi;-)
Adalberto Tiburzi16-Jun-2004 18:38
Amazing. From the thumb I thought it was the Loch Ness monster!
Costi Jacky 16-Jun-2004 18:25
Inspiring Geoff. Well done.
Joseph Brennskag16-Jun-2004 18:21
Nice one Geoff! I like the vignetting effect.
Guest 16-Jun-2004 18:20