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14th June (I wish)

I'm devestated. The worst thing has happened. I have been doing my PAD since 26th February. That's three and a half months or 109 photos to be precise. I thought I was doing really well. Yes, some days have been hard but I've really enjoyed it and the discipline that's required. I never thought for a minute that it could happen to me.

Last night, I got myself up out of our comfy sofa to retire to bed. Then it hit me. 'PAD'. I felt a sickly cold sweat wash over me. I glanced up at the clock on the video. It read 12.10am. It was too late, it was passed the deadline, my PAD will never be the same again.

I'm gutted. I seriously thought about packing it in last night. I really wanted to do it properly......sigh......

This is how I feel.

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Guest 15-Jun-2004 23:22
this is the beauty of are only accountable to yourself...and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself! I thought maybe this was a headache shot...have one of those myself.
jude15-Jun-2004 22:28
great photo, Geoff! How odd.. you having things in your life more important than

Larry, Poly? too freakin funny you two!
Larry Ahern15-Jun-2004 21:52
I called the police ... they didn't seem interested ... I guess yer free to go.
Melanie15-Jun-2004 19:54
LOL Love the pose here. though I must say, I thought that was how we were to feel all the time!!! (j/k)
I have missed 3 days this month cause I am sharing with someone else.(PCthat is) Through the week's not to bad. But weekends are near impossible.
Guest 15-Jun-2004 18:28
Everyone is being too kind... YOU MISSED A PAD???? OMG... go to your room and don't come down till I call you... I SAID NOW MR! Eh on second thoughts I've missed one on the 13th... errrr ok ok you're not grounded...
christianl15-Jun-2004 17:54
France won over England...
Geoff missed a PAD...
Something's rotten in this Kingdom...
Cheer up Geoff, England will beat Switzerland on Thursday evening ;-)
Robin Reid15-Jun-2004 17:33
I know how you feel, but I agree w/comments below. Lighten up. You do excellent work, and I enjoy and learn from what you do.
Guest 15-Jun-2004 17:33
Geoff, it's ok! Really!! There aren't any beasties coming after you now with pitchforks to get you for missing a day. It happens! But don't let it make you feel like you want to quit! We'd miss you! Just keep on going like nothing has happened :)
Joseph Brennskag15-Jun-2004 17:28
Cheer up Geoff! You have created a wonderful body of work here dude. An inspiration to me...and that's the truth.
Guest 15-Jun-2004 17:25
Perfection is a pretty tough standard Geoff.