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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Magpie
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Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/320s f/10.0 at 280.0mm iso320
with 1.7 TC attached. full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre28-Jun-2018 17:49
Une très belle photo de cette pie sur un superbe support! V
Guest 23-Jul-2008 01:55
Great capture! v
Al Chesworth22-Jul-2008 21:50
Nice sharp shot Buz, they are a pest around here.
Jay Levin22-Jul-2008 19:05
Beautiful capture, Buz. Excellent perch and background. Vote
Katie Chew22-Jul-2008 17:47
Very nice composition. V
Peter Stahl22-Jul-2008 04:21
Nice capture,love the perch! GMV.
Guest 22-Jul-2008 00:21
Beautifully done. V
Richard Calmes21-Jul-2008 22:45
Perfectly composed and beautiful! V
Guest 21-Jul-2008 14:50
Nice image Buz..
Nicely composed..
Guest 21-Jul-2008 13:38
Amazed that he stayed quiet long enough for the shot. Great portrait.
s_barbour21-Jul-2008 02:02
Wonderful capture Buz, great composition and a terrific pose!
laine8221-Jul-2008 01:32
it has a longer tail than our magpies. Nice shot, Buz
fdt20-Jul-2008 21:12
Nice one. f
Guest 20-Jul-2008 21:03
Great capture of this cunning and loud bird..v
Carol Rollins20-Jul-2008 20:31
What a wonderful perch you caught him on! This is a super capture and comp! V
marie-jose wolff20-Jul-2008 18:50
lovely capture! V
Guest 20-Jul-2008 17:15
What news have you brought us, magpie? V
Gerard Koehl20-Jul-2008 16:53
Magnifique prise dans un très beau décor. V
Tim Vidrine20-Jul-2008 16:17
Great image, Buz.
Faye White20-Jul-2008 15:13
beautiful capture!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography20-Jul-2008 14:25
Good shot, fine composition and dof, Vote.