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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Watercourse
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Marco Valk18-Aug-2008 17:59
terrific shot, Buz. excellent exposure; gmv
Douglas Stucky17-Aug-2008 14:11
Fantastic!! vote
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:02
Outstanding work Buz. Excellent composition.BV!!
Guest 20-Jul-2008 17:46
Very beautiful!
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:37
This is too much, I can't take it anymore LOL Fantastic exposure!
Bryan Murahashi20-Jul-2008 06:06
Beautiful roaring cascade.
shatterbug20-Jul-2008 06:01
A lovely capture, Buz...perfect shutter speed!
Bryan Ramsay20-Jul-2008 03:19
Looks like you're still in Colorado with the Aspens! Very nicely done. -BJ
Carol Rollins19-Jul-2008 21:14
This is so beautiful Buz. A glorious waterfall wonderfully captured! V
Nicki Thurgar19-Jul-2008 17:17
I can almost hear it tinkling... lovely shot!
s_barbour19-Jul-2008 16:49
Beautiful shot Buz, perfectly exposed!
Jola Dziubinska19-Jul-2008 16:00
Cool and refreshing view, beautiful scene.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Jul-2008 15:38
Good shot of this great place, Vote.
Faye White19-Jul-2008 14:12
beautiful scene and it looks so very refreshing!
Gerard Koehl19-Jul-2008 14:05
Ce torrent est magnifique... V