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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > High Mountain Spring
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High Mountain Spring

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S DX
1/500s f/16.0 at 55.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 01-Aug-2014 16:28
A wonderful scene and picture! V
Douglas Stucky17-Aug-2008 14:11
This is great!! vote
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:02
A wonderful backdrop.V.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik22-Jul-2008 04:25
What a view! Fantastic capture. L&S
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:36
You are killing me! I am packing up right now.
s_barbour19-Jul-2008 13:29
Breathtaking view Buz, so beautifully composed!
Carol Rollins19-Jul-2008 02:50
Oh this is beautiful Buz. A wonderfully composed scene! V
Bryan Ramsay19-Jul-2008 02:40
Ahh my kinda country! -BJ
Faye White18-Jul-2008 20:41
stunning scenery!
Fong Lam18-Jul-2008 20:03
Wonderful scene, Buz.
Guest 18-Jul-2008 19:59
Love all the wild flowers dressing up the hill side..v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography18-Jul-2008 18:34
Very nice indeed, fine layers of colors.
Bob Foisel18-Jul-2008 18:09
Nice spring tundra capture Buz, I need to go up high soon.
Gerard Koehl18-Jul-2008 17:37
Magnifique... La composition avec ce premier plan fleuri est très belle. V
Sandi Whitteker18-Jul-2008 16:30
Stunning scene and a very pretty capture. Like the many layers, their angles and the bloom is wonderful frosting on the cake of an already beautiful scene.
Guest 18-Jul-2008 16:15
Very complementing contrast, wonderful composition.
Jan Frode Aase18-Jul-2008 16:01
Beautiful photo, excellent composed with its layers.
I like how the flowers and field in the foreground
completes the composition. Beautiful colours and focus. V

Bryan Murahashi18-Jul-2008 15:02
Beautiful backdrops for thise bright wildflowers. V
john savage18-Jul-2008 14:19
Beautiful image Buz. V