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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Cluster of Columbine
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Cluster of Columbine

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/1000s f/11.0 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre07-Jul-2020 17:39
Une très belle photo de ces jolies fleurs dans ce décor de verdure! V
Guest 01-Aug-2014 16:26
Marvelous, Buz! V
Douglas Stucky17-Aug-2008 14:10
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:03
Beautiful comp and lighting.V.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik22-Jul-2008 04:22
Hi again Buz. We've missed these gorgeous shots! Cheers, L&S
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:35
You're after my heart!!!!!!! Excellent!
shatterbug18-Jul-2008 06:13
Beautiful flower shot...light, composition, and colors are terrific!
Guest 18-Jul-2008 04:18
Excellent, Buz! Great light on these beauties!!
Mindy McNaugher18-Jul-2008 03:36
Absolutely exquisite!!
Jay Levin18-Jul-2008 02:27
A gorgeous capture, Buz. Vote
Fong Lam18-Jul-2008 00:56
Very beautiful capture, Buz.
Love the lighting and colors.
Guest 17-Jul-2008 23:46
Very beautiful!
Bill Gallagher17-Jul-2008 20:54
Nicely composed and presented. V
J. Scott Coile17-Jul-2008 20:38
s_barbour17-Jul-2008 19:33
Very nice indeed Buz, lovely colour!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography17-Jul-2008 19:11
Cery nice indeed, wonderful colors, Vote.
Gayle P. Clement17-Jul-2008 16:40
A very beautiful find, Buz.
Bryan Murahashi17-Jul-2008 15:30
Beautiful wildflowers.
john savage17-Jul-2008 15:15
Beautifully composed, tack sharp image. BV
Herb 17-Jul-2008 15:12
Robin Reid17-Jul-2008 14:32
Nice ... the Colorado State Flowr.
fdt17-Jul-2008 13:47
Very nice. f
Carol Rollins17-Jul-2008 13:46
Perfectly composed with beautiful colors and light. V
Earl Arboneaux 17-Jul-2008 13:29
Very nice of composition of the cluster,almost likea bouquet...V
Glendower17-Jul-2008 12:24
Beautiful composition.
Gerard Koehl17-Jul-2008 11:56
Wow... c'est magnifique. V
Faye White17-Jul-2008 10:16
lovely and delicate