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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Pika (Ochotona princeps)
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Pika (Ochotona princeps)

The American Pika is a diurnal species of pika that is found in the mountains of western North America, usually in boulder fields at or above tree line. They are flower-gathering animals, which are the smallest of the rabbit group

Nikon D2x
1/500s f/10.0 at 340.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 01-Aug-2014 16:25
How cute! I have never seen this before.
Lovely shot! V
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:03
Great shot Buz.V.
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:35
Lucky you, for getting this shot! They are fast critters!! and so darned little and cute
Char17-Jul-2008 03:27
Hi Buz,
Interesting critter. An excellent capture. \/
Peter Stahl17-Jul-2008 03:19
Nice find and capture Buz! GMV.
Bryan Ramsay17-Jul-2008 03:05
Nicely caught shot of these shy little guys!! -BJ
J. Scott Coile16-Jul-2008 23:02
Sharp varmit ;-)
Guest 16-Jul-2008 21:55
And fast too..great catch on this little cutie..v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography16-Jul-2008 19:30
Good catch of this nice animal, V.
Al Chesworth16-Jul-2008 19:26
Handsome looking critter.
Gayle P. Clement16-Jul-2008 18:51
Adorable little fellow.
john savage16-Jul-2008 16:38
Great shot of this little feller. V
s_barbour16-Jul-2008 16:01
Ahh, what a cute little fella!
Bryan Murahashi16-Jul-2008 15:06
Cute little critter.
firstbrook16-Jul-2008 14:33
Beautiful little thing
Carol Rollins16-Jul-2008 13:27
New to me, thanks for sharing this cute little critter.