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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > From the Ridge Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park.
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From the Ridge Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S DX
1/320s f/16.0 at 44.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Martin Wenzel27-Nov-2008 16:57
Outstanding image, Buz! Happy Thanksgiving! Best regards, Martin
Douglas Stucky17-Aug-2008 14:09
Fantastic!! I can almost smell the cool, crisp air! vote
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:04
Gorgeous viewpoint and sky, Buz. Well done.V!!
Martin Wenzel27-Jul-2008 23:06
Great image, Buz! Take care, Martin V
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:33
****deep sigh**** Stunning!
shatterbug17-Jul-2008 07:27
Stunning view, wonderfully photographed!
Steve Morris16-Jul-2008 18:04
Beautiful landscape Buz - the diagonal slope in the foreground is perfect!!! BV
Bryan Murahashi16-Jul-2008 15:08
Beautiful mountain landscape. V
Robin Reid16-Jul-2008 05:26
I like how crisp this is ... and great depth. Terrific landscape Buz.
Guest 16-Jul-2008 05:00
Are these wild goats in the foreground? Superb landscape.
Herb 16-Jul-2008 04:18
Not your usual enviroment, nice image.
Jean D16-Jul-2008 02:31
Superb capture of these beautiful Rockies, Buz! GMV.
Bryan Ramsay16-Jul-2008 01:58
Gorgeous shot Buz! I love the East Coast but I really miss the Rockies! -BJ
Guest 15-Jul-2008 22:15
Beautiful Americana! v
Jay Levin15-Jul-2008 21:41
Beautiful mountain scene, Buz. Vote
Guest 15-Jul-2008 21:40
lovely expansive vista..very nice..v
Carol Rollins15-Jul-2008 19:46
Beautiful view, well captured and presented. V
Guest 15-Jul-2008 19:13
Beautiful scene.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography15-Jul-2008 18:54
Good capture and beautiful view, V.
Bill Gallagher15-Jul-2008 18:33
Nicely done, would love to get the opportunity to get out there. V
Faye White15-Jul-2008 18:14
Oh beautiful, for spacious skies.... ;)

gorgeous scene!
Fong Lam15-Jul-2008 18:08
Outstanding capture of these lovely terrains, Buz.
Marco Valk15-Jul-2008 18:07
wow. what a view; great shot. v
fdt15-Jul-2008 17:50
Gorgeous landscape. Beautiful capture. f
john savage15-Jul-2008 17:46
Awesome mountains Buz, great capture. V
Jola Dziubinska15-Jul-2008 17:17
Beautiful view, super light.