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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Tarn
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Nikon D2x
1/500s f/14.0 at 48.0mm iso500 full exif

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poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:00
Beautiful mountains.V.
Al Chesworth25-Jul-2008 20:49
Beautiful image. Bit cold to swim in though.
Marcia Colelli24-Jul-2008 14:11
very lovely scene V
Carol Rollins24-Jul-2008 04:21
This is so beautiful Buz. A wonderful scene with a lovely little lake nestled into the mountains. V
marie-jose wolff24-Jul-2008 02:39
Gorgeous mountainscape! V
Bryan Ramsay24-Jul-2008 01:59
Gorgeous shot Buz! -BJ
Fong Lam24-Jul-2008 00:43
Breathtaking view, Buz
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography23-Jul-2008 22:12
Fine shot of this great place, Vote.
Katie Chew23-Jul-2008 17:16
Beautiful view. V
fdt23-Jul-2008 15:16
Gorgeous scenery. f
Bryan Murahashi23-Jul-2008 15:14
Beautiful mountains and lake. V
Gerard Koehl23-Jul-2008 15:12
Magnifique paysage montagnard. V
Guest 23-Jul-2008 14:22
A very nice mountain scene Buz..
Love the way the lake is nestled between the mountains...
Faye White23-Jul-2008 14:18
ahhhhhh, deep breath... such a stunning view! wish I was there