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Bill Robinson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wild(and not so wild) Life > Banded Stilt
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06-MAR-2011 photography by Bill Robinson

Banded Stilt

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II
1/800s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 28-Jul-2011 19:32
Excellent composition Bill, well seen.
laine10-Mar-2011 01:11
A long legged lovely...superb DOF, Bill
LyleT09-Mar-2011 22:47
Lovely shot. The reflection is great.
Yvonne08-Mar-2011 23:13
Superb! v
Guest 08-Mar-2011 19:28
Amazing shot
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet08-Mar-2011 15:02
Wow great picture and reflection.
Guest 08-Mar-2011 14:45
super with the reflection Bill.