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Bill Robinson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wild(and not so wild) Life > Banded Stilt
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06-MAR-2011 photography by Bill Robinson

Banded Stilt

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II
1/1600s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 08-Mar-2011 19:28
Fantastic picture
LyleT08-Mar-2011 10:22
Oh well captured. Great photograph.
Esa Ervasti08-Mar-2011 05:38
Excuse me! You are disturbing my nap!
An intimate capture of an amusing expression :)
Yvonne07-Mar-2011 23:41
Absolutely superb! v
Pedro Libório07-Mar-2011 22:17
just wonderful !!!!
Guest 07-Mar-2011 19:16
tack sharp capture Bill, a beauty.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet07-Mar-2011 18:46
Wow! Very nice picture.