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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

u41/equipment/medium/34103571.eos1dsmii_body_only_angle.jpgu47/equipment/medium/34103572.eos1dsmii_body_only_frontfront.jpgu41/equipment/medium/34103573.eos1dsmii_bodyshellfront.jpgu47/equipment/medium/34103574.eos1dsmii_w2470_front_front.jpgmore photos
Marketed: 21-Sep-2004
Lens Mount: EF
Megapixels: 16.7
Random Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II Samples from 86958 available Photos more
g13/25/865125/3/174475639.825405c9.JPEG g5/01/77101/3/67866076.DcrMG5Yo.jpg g1/34/296434/3/110897580.ZXxQVqo2.jpg g4/01/77101/3/134901019.g3lqv7kh.jpg
g2/98/590598/3/65737453.Y3SPaVlx.jpg g4/02/489702/3/138607461.ucytyNEe.jpg g3/16/531516/3/89491548.QM9iUNWl.jpg g4/28/334028/3/137819970.MlmMDrjG.jpg
g2/98/590598/3/65698222.YFo6GTsE.jpg g4/87/315087/3/59581192.0418_0901.jpg g1/79/794879/3/97920668.8M1EJ61m.jpg g4/25/865125/3/139082838.yv9PbVrX.jpg

Guest 02-Nov-2008 17:19
Nonsense already about not being able to judge a camera by compressed jpegs. Maybe some human brains cannot interpolate.
marxz24-Aug-2007 16:14
as the last poster said there's no way that the thumbnail here can do a camera like any of the current Canon D1 series indeed even the full size pictures here are really just too small to even give you the idea..... that and that your viewing in sRGV and most are heavily compressed JPGS inducing artifacting.

Working with people (who unlike me are professional photographers - I'm just their lowly tech support person) the whole deal here is
1: performance
2: performance
3: performance

shoot faster, shoot in higher bit depth RAW, crop harder, shoot in weather that would make the average photographer let alone their P&S or consumer DSLR go in to the fetal position and cry for mummy.

Plus nothing says "professional" like a canon D1 series or Nikon 2D/3D series... vanity you may think? eh? maybe... but really in many professional situations you do need to let the subject (or security, or managers/PR types - and some of these last type, curse them, actually know what a D1 is) to "back off man I'm a professional"
david_arthur_lee28-Feb-2007 09:05
How can a 200 x 400 resized image do this camera justice? You cant judge the camera by looking at these images can you? Only when it comes to printing off large size images can you see what this monster is capable of.
Guest 04-Sep-2006 18:43
i have one these since march and it´s really great quality, don´t care about the electronics, even the old T90 has almost the same, but images are really spectacular and the closest thing to 35mm slide film. i think most people turning it down is because they´ve never used or simply can´t afford it. only down thing is no multiple exposure and no black and white picture style.
Guest 14-Jul-2006 13:13
Canon has three digital cameras for $2,500+. The Canon EOS-1DS Mark II, the Canon EOS-1D Mark IIN and the relatively new 5D. I chose Canon over Nikon (which I’ve shot most of my photographic life) because of Canon’s more impressive suite of lenses. Here’s the decision process I went through. As with most products, it comes down to how you’ll use it. All of them have tradeoffs.

1. Megapixels. More pixels - with a few caveats - translates into an image that can be enlarged (and cropped more tightly)with less deterioration. The 1DS is the market leader at...

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Guest 11-Jun-2006 22:27
the difference between photos done with this camera and entry DSLR are not so visible and this tiny formats and this so small files. the fhotos of this camera make all the difference when you print them in big (you can huge) formats.

and beyond the photos there are all a built quality and performance that are miles away from an entry DSLR.
Guest 14-May-2006 10:21
Probably great camera, pitifully bad pictures (most).
This page shows very well that "quality" and "professional" are just over-used, meaningless words. Three zillion megapixels to document "my buddy at a party".
My advice: settle for a market-entry SLR ! Then, visit this page and feel good about you not needing anything more.
Derick Gamboa20-Apr-2006 22:48
It must be killing you guys with envy not to have one of this. If you can't say anything nice, just be happy with what you can afford, without having to sound obnoxious. This is the top of the hill gear. Life is short, you deserve the bests!
Guest 10-Mar-2006 05:44
beautiful camera! i like it!

welcome to my homepage

my MSN:
Guest 03-Mar-2006 16:31
there are some nice eos 1d markII photos here but i cant see any real improvement in quality over much cheaper cameras - in the full res 16mp images i see the same hard video like appearance and the focus is never really 'there' - i do see advantage in having a rugged water and dust sealed camera but really it doesnt cost an extra 3000 to 5000 dollars to do that! i also note that the vast majority of photos here with this camera are amatuer snapshots - why pay $10,000 for a camera and lens for casual snapshots

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