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Bernal Peralta | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I welcome you to my galleries! It's a distinct pleasure for me to share my photographs with you and, perhaps, my approach to the arts! I like bold colors! But, I'm equally at home with the delicate, but powerful nuances of black-and-white photography!

I've photographed for many years! It was film for lots of years, but for the last ten years it's been digital exclusively. I love the versatility and flexibility of digital — with the added advantage of being able to see your results immediately! It's a wonderful learning tool!

The galleries are now setup so that the newest one is shown first, followed by less recent ones!

Please leave a comment or two — they are appreciated!

If you need to contact me about any of the images shown, please use my e-mail:

Bernal (Bernie) Peralta

PS. Click on any gallery's opening picture to open that gallery. Then, click on any picture in the gallery to get an enlarged view; to return to the gallery, click on the enlarged version to get back to the thumbprints in the gallery.

O. C. Fair 2013
:: O. C. Fair 2013 ::
Mississippi River on Steamboat
:: Mississippi River on Steamboat ::
 A small park in Santa Ana:  Santiago Park
::  A small park in Santa Ana: Santiago Park ::
Aquarium of the Pacific
:: Aquarium of the Pacific ::
Catalina, Avalon Re-visited
:: Catalina, Avalon Re-visited ::
Terracotta Warriors -- In exhibition at Bowers Museum, Santa  Ana, CA.  Feb. 2012.
:: Terracotta Warriors -- In exhibition at Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, CA. Feb. 2012. ::
Once Again at Roger's Gardens and South Coast Plaza.
:: Once Again at Roger's Gardens and South Coast Plaza. ::
Additional fractal images
:: Additional fractal images ::
Fall Color in Eastern Sierras; late October 2011.
:: Fall Color in Eastern Sierras; late October 2011. ::
Fall-Color Leaves Two Ways
:: Fall-Color Leaves Two Ways ::
Agaves in B&W
:: Agaves in B&W ::
Cruise to Mexican Riviera
:: Cruise to Mexican Riviera ::
Revisit Huntington Library Gardens
:: Revisit Huntington Library Gardens ::
Flower Show Revisited
:: Flower Show Revisited ::
Old Town, San Diego
:: Old Town, San Diego ::
Views of Costa Rica
:: Views of Costa Rica ::
Up The Coast To Monterey And Then To Napa Valley
:: Up The Coast To Monterey And Then To Napa Valley ::
Laguna Art Festival
:: Laguna Art Festival ::
OC Fair Revisited, 7/29/10
:: OC Fair Revisited, 7/29/10 ::
Chicago: Enchanting City of Great Art and Architecture!
:: Chicago: Enchanting City of Great Art and Architecture! ::
San Juan, Puerto Rico
:: San Juan, Puerto Rico ::
Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship: Serenade of the Seas
:: Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship: "Serenade of the Seas" ::
St. Thomas Island
:: St. Thomas Island ::
St. Croix Island
:: St. Croix Island ::
St. Kitts Island
:: St. Kitts Island ::
Dominica Island
:: Dominica Island ::
Barbados Island
:: Barbados Island ::
From Boston to Nova Scotia and Return to Toronto
:: From Boston to Nova Scotia and Return to Toronto ::
Santa Ana Zoo Revisited
:: Santa Ana Zoo Revisited ::
Inside Passage to Alaska
:: Inside Passage to Alaska ::
Big Bear Lake, CA
:: Big Bear Lake, CA ::
Fractal Images
:: Fractal Images ::
Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival - Visited on 8-21-09.
:: Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival - Visited on 8-21-09. ::
Annual Tustin Chili Cookoff
:: Annual Tustin Chili Cookoff ::
Philodendron Fantasy
:: Philodendron Fantasy ::
Return - Huntington Library Gardens.
:: Return - Huntington Library Gardens. ::
Romance of the Ranchos Festival - May 3, 2009
:: Romance of the Ranchos Festival - May 3, 2009 ::
Spring Garden Show 2009
:: Spring Garden Show 2009 ::
St. Sophia Greek Cathedral
:: St. Sophia Greek Cathedral ::
Santa Anita Race Track - April 17, 2009
:: Santa Anita Race Track - April 17, 2009 ::
A Return to Fullerton Arboretum
:: A Return to Fullerton Arboretum ::
Tour of Parts of Australia
:: Tour of Parts of Australia ::
Athens and Selected Islands - May 2008
:: Athens and Selected Islands - May 2008 ::
City of Orange Int'l. Street Fair
:: City of Orange Int'l. Street Fair ::
Classic Cars Re-Visited
:: Classic Cars Re-Visited ::
Grand Bahama Island, Caribbean
:: Grand Bahama Island, Caribbean ::
Fullerton Arboretum
:: Fullerton Arboretum ::
Huntington Library Grounds Revisited
:: Huntington Library Grounds Revisited ::
Christmas Eve at Roger's Gardens
:: Christmas Eve at Roger's Gardens ::
Santa Ana Zoo
:: Santa Ana Zoo ::
Fall Color in Eastern Sierras
:: Fall Color in Eastern Sierras ::
Mono Lake and Tufas
:: Mono Lake and Tufas ::
Bodie State Historic Park
:: Bodie State Historic Park ::
Yosemite in the Fall
:: Yosemite in the Fall ::
Avalon, Catalina Island
:: Avalon, Catalina Island ::
L.A. Zoo
:: L.A. Zoo ::
Laguna Beach
:: Laguna Beach ::
L.A. Fair at Night
:: L.A. Fair at Night ::
Huntington Library Gardens
:: Huntington Library Gardens ::
Roger's Gardens
:: Roger's Gardens ::
Oakland and Martinez
:: Oakland and Martinez ::
West Seattle
:: West Seattle ::
Highlights of Japan
:: Highlights of Japan ::
Native American PowWow at UCI
:: Native American PowWow at UCI ::
Vintage Cars Revisited on Memorial Day
:: Vintage Cars Revisited on Memorial Day ::
Flower Closeups
:: Flower Closeups ::
Native American PowWow
:: Native American PowWow ::
Tanzania Photo Safari 2007
:: Tanzania Photo Safari 2007 ::
Wild Animal Park, San Diego
:: Wild Animal Park, San Diego ::
Colonial Mexico
:: Colonial Mexico ::
Arts Festival, O.C., CA
:: Arts Festival, O.C., CA ::
San Juan Capistrano Mission
:: San Juan Capistrano Mission ::
Vegetables With Character
:: Vegetables With Character ::
Doors and Door Knockers
:: Doors and Door Knockers ::
More Classic Cars
:: More Classic Cars ::
County Fair
:: County Fair ::
Special Pictures
:: Special Pictures ::
:: Landscapes ::
Colorful Farm Tools
:: Colorful Farm Tools ::
:: Signs ::
Animals and Insects
:: Animals and Insects ::
Hot-Air Balloons
:: Hot-Air Balloons ::
This, That, and the Other!
:: This, That, and the Other! ::
:: Sunrise/Sunset ::
Antique Cars — Details
:: Antique Cars — Details ::
Buildings/Architectural Details
:: Buildings/Architectural Details ::
Plants and Flowers
:: Plants and Flowers ::
Abstract and the Unusual
:: Abstract and the Unusual ::
:: People ::
Oregon, June 2006
:: Oregon, June 2006 ::