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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains > Sunset
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I was actually more worried about a stupid driver trying to race a crossed the tracks and running over my camera, than the snow/ice spray.
Taken remotely.

This image won Pbase's 304th Show & Tell Competition: Low Point of View

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/1250s f/5.0 at 16.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Hernan E. Enriquez28-May-2014 23:25
Did you post this where it matters? Like National Geographic for instance?
Dennis Camp24-Dec-2013 02:47
Impressive capture.
Karin Doeling11-May-2013 10:42
Terrific action shot!! V
Jeff Robertson04-Apr-2013 20:29
Great shot, Brad!
Jeff Robertson04-Apr-2013 20:29
Great shot, Brad!
pascal28-Apr-2011 18:17
What a fantastic shot ! Awesome picture !
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)22-Jan-2011 03:13
What can I say, that already hasn't been said? BZ-V
(Do you have a shot of the camera after the pass?)
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography21-Jan-2011 19:44
Excellent shot, Vote.
bill friedlander20-Jan-2011 18:52
Great angle and choice of focal length, and the light is perfect. Powerful shot. V
Guest 20-Jan-2011 11:52
This is outstanding... great execution!
Guest 18-Jan-2011 16:41
WOW! This is awesome, Brad - you can feel the power!
Marni J. Bradford18-Jan-2011 05:07
This is just awesome! Perfect timing on the trigger....BV
Nick Arena18-Jan-2011 04:01
Fabulous capture..great view point..v
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad18-Jan-2011 03:01
Terrific shot, Brad. Voted
Matt Tolton18-Jan-2011 02:45
That's Canadian of shot as they get...
B. Shortall - BCS Photography18-Jan-2011 02:45
This is awesome - but not as awesome as the original! Sorry buddy! But man, is it a close second! Oh, Nitro.. No enclosures where used in the making of this image. Somehow, i would bet the camera was rested on a snowball!
Inga Morozoff18-Jan-2011 02:30
Wow! Bravo!!!
Mike Stobbs18-Jan-2011 01:51
Fantastic Brad...very well done..and fast on the trigger...braVo...Mike
Guest 18-Jan-2011 01:40
Perfect! Love it Big V
Blair Alderton Photography18-Jan-2011 01:40
Spectacular! You gotta have the camera in an enclosure I'm thinking, ya just gotta!
Hank Vander Velde18-Jan-2011 01:01
Fantastic shot Brad. Looks like you are back in your element.
Gill Kopy18-Jan-2011 00:14
Fabulous shot Brad - hope your camera survived the spray V
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