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Brad Claypole | all galleries >> Galleries >> Trains > Silent
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It always amazes me how 9000HP at 50mph can be silent.
Maybe I'm just going deaf.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II N
1/2500s f/2.8 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kuriacose Joseph17-Jan-2011 16:52
Sweet! These powerful locomotives are amazing, and I agree with your sentiment.
Rick Bricker16-Jan-2011 07:01
Great shot did you have to wait long for 8840 to come along or have you schedule info?
Marni J. Bradford16-Jan-2011 03:31
Beautifully captured! Love the shiny red against the winter bleakness. ~V~
Hank Vander Velde16-Jan-2011 00:31
Terrific/beautiful shot Brad.
B. Shortall - BCS Photography16-Jan-2011 00:13
Finally found the snow eh?! I thought you would venture out in this weather.
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