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Joe Sullivan | profile | all galleries >> Peace Corps - Zambia >> Peace Corps Zambia - Remember Us for We'll Remember You >> Mwika and My Farmers tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mwika and My Farmers

I lived in Mwika, a small village 13 kilometers outside of Kasama, the boma (capital) of Northern Province. My territory was a 20 kilometer radius from Mwika and so I visited farmers in a half a dozen villages. Some of these pictures are also from neighboring PCVs areas.
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Digging the box.JPG
Digging the box.JPG
Fingerlings for Steve and Marys villagers.JPG
Fingerlings for Steve and Marys villagers.JPG
Fish for supper.JPG
Fish for supper.JPG
Fish on a bark string.JPG
Fish on a bark string.JPG
Fred on his front porch with his puppy.JPG
Fred on his front porch with his puppy.JPG
Fry holding pond.JPG
Fry holding pond.JPG
Mary and Steve.JPG
Mary and Steve.JPG
Mouth brooder.jpg
Mouth brooder.jpg
The Trek 920 Siver Streak w 20 litre fry tranport carboy.JPG
The Trek 920 Siver Streak w 20 litre fry tranport carboy.JPG
Rhody is looking for a kiss.JPG
Rhody is looking for a kiss.JPG
My dog Rhody and I.JPG
My dog Rhody and I.JPG
Peace Be With You, My Friend
Peace Be With You, My Friend
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